Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Photo Journal –Day One

  I realized recently that I haven’t taken any pictures, just for myself, in like over a week! Shocking right? So to make myself get “back in the game” so to speak, I decided to take pictures of something I did today and blog about it. Now I would love to be able to do this every day, but to tell you the truth, a typical day at my house is not much to write about. In fact I probably wouldn’t have even done this post today, except for the fact that when I got up this morning I realized that we had had our first snow fall!
Yeah I know it’s not much to be excited about, but still… its snow!
Another thing I realized today is that I haven’t been giving one of my horses enough attention, and because of that she was being very standoffish, and yes that is a word.

This is her walking away from me. *grumble*

  I think part of the problem is that she gets jealous of my other horse, because I’m always giving him more attention because he’s always asking for it…
 I mean just look at that face. How can you say no to that?

  Anyway because of this I started following her around the yard taking pictures of her. And I’ve come to find out that she is a bit camera shy, although that’s never stopped me before…
As you can tell I took these as the sun was going down, and the reason being is because I find it gives a nice silhouette look to everything.  

 So over all what I learned today is that, friendships take a lot of time, work and patience to keep them going, and that sometimes friends, can be very unpredictable.

So until text time…

Shalom to all


  1. We had are first snowfall dusting yesterday too... and it just stayed for the morning. I'm excited to see what will happen this winter. Probably have to wait until January through March for that though.

    Nice pictures as usual!


  2. Oooh I love the sunset! :D ♥ the horses too my fav animal :D
